
I'm a software engineer with experience building full-stack web applications. I have a passion for front-end development, where I can apply my attention to detail and best practices to create apps that are user-friendly, accessible, visually appealing, and easy to maintain.

I'm currently focused on building fast, responsive, full-stack web apps with React and TypeScript, Next.js, and Firebase, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL. I'm always eager to learn new technologies and best practices to improve my skills and deliver high-quality products. Please take a look at some of my projects below!

Completed Projects

Kanban Task Manager

Kanban Task Manager

About this project:

This full stack app allows users to manage tasks from anywhere. It is a Kanban task manager that allows users to create, edit, and delete boards, tasks, and subtasks. The app is responsive, supports light and dark themes, and is dockerized and deployed to AWS.

Tech used:

React, Next.js, TypeScript, Redux, RTK-Query, Java, Spring Boot (Web, Data, & Security), PostgreSQL, Docker, AWS.

Invoice App

Invoice App

About this project:

This full stack app allows users to create an account and manage invoices. Form data is validated, and the invoice form can be partially completed and saved as a draft. Data is updated with React hooks and/or Next.js API requests. This app is responsive and supports both light and dark themes, and users can delete their account and data from the profile page.

Tech used:

React, Next.js, Formik, Google Firebase (Authentication, Firestore, and Functions), Tailwind.

Designo Multi-Page Website

Designo Multi-Page Website

About this project:

This multi-page site was built using the Astro framework. I used Astro because this site is mostly static and this tool is perfect for that. It also allows the flexibility of using bits and pieces of a variety of UI frameworks when needed, and I used React for a few components. The site also includes live maps of fictional office locations powered by Leaflet.js.

Tech used:

Astro, React, TypeScript, Leaflet.js, Tailwind.


If you'd like to get in touch to discuss a project or opportunity you have available, please reach out to me via email or LinkedIn.